Friday, February 8, 2008

Seek cover.

Hello. Or "aloha" as they say in England. First things first, My cousin Willie is very sick in a hospitol in Tucson, hopefully the Doctors can get this bastard of a Staph infection that ailes him taken care of and he can make a hasty recovery. Many thoughts and Prayers with him and the whole Degrave family from all of my family here(Denver, CO) and the 3 or 4 other people who are associated (very losely mind you) with this blog. Yesterday was one of my best mates in the world, Jordie a.k.a Jay a.ka. Pascale the Rascal a.k.a Jordan "I WILL END YOU!" Pascale's 21st Birthday. Hope he has a GOOD ONE. Also, Tornadoes suck (quite literally) hope everyone in the midwest gets back on their feet, my condolences to the families who lost a loved one. It's been crazy windy here and I can't even fathom the hellish chaos a tornado would cause. On a completely out of left field side note: There's a guy that works in the same office building as me, I think he has a hair piece or "rug", because whenever it's windy he gets a sudden case of malaria and calls in sick. I was just reading about this sugar refinery explosion in Georgia. Holy Schnikes! I had no idea that powdered sugar was that flammable or combustable. Once again (What a day huh?) many condolences to the families affected. I promise you I will never view Funeral cakes the same way. Instead of the warm, hap-hazardly shaped delicious pastry covered in powdered sugar I so adored, I will now see a DIRTY BOMB! The TSA is gonna have a field day with this one. Have a good weekend everyone, stay safe for God's sake! Aloha.

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