Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't take this personally

Whenever someone utters the above sentence to you, they are definately going to insult you. I'm not real sure how your not supposed to "take it"? I mean is the malicious jerk/person speaking to you assuming you are Schizophrenic and can just change personalities instantly like someone changing the channel? "Oh your going to insult Danny, let me step into Tulley the chimney-sweep for a quick second". It's like saying " this isn't supposed to hurt, but I'm going to drop kick you in the esophagus", same difference. If you have a problem with someone then just tell them like an adult, or call them a "poopyface" behind their back. To answer the most relevant question, NO I haven't been involved in a recent altercation or ruckus....it was more of a public service announcement (incoherent rambling) than anything. And I did overhear a bunch of the smoker ladies flapping their old yellow jaws in the hallway this morning about the some new girl. Saying there's a lot of gossiping in the office workplace is like saying NASA is scientific. Bit of an understatement.
Does anyone bet on the presidency? Like in Atlantic city are there a bunch or over-weight, middle aged men going "Gimme 5 G's on Obama"? I don't have a gambling problem, I was just wondering.
My funny has got the flu, sorry.
I'm gonna get back to work
Believe that.

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