Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Justice has been served.

Ello ello! How are all my electronically gifted moderately intersted friends? Hopefully everyone survived Monday. Speaking on that. I was driving home from the grind last night, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic when suddenly I witnessed my very first HIGH SPEED CHASE! That's right Ladies and dudes....it was awesome. Let me paint you a word picture. So there I am sitting there on Southbound 225 not moving, thinking about that scene in Office Space where the old lady with the walker is outpacing traffic, when out of the corner of my eye I see all sorts of Police (The Heat, 5-O, pigs, the FUZZ, po-po's, coppers) flying up the shoulder of the Northbound lanes. Well they were chasing some dweb on a crouch rocket. They caught up to him and were pinching him towards the wall. The guy had no choice but to stop the bike, or become a grease stain. Well instantly there are 15 Police officers around said moron. The first cop runs over and pulls the guy off the bike, but he breaks the officers grasp and runs directly into what I can only assume and describe as the most dominant center in the Aurora Police Basketball League EVER! This Shaq like Justice enforcer than lifts the helmet clad perpetraitor into the air and body slams him onto the hood of a Police car. Now many people might have seen this as "Police brutality" but I'll put the kabosh on that thought right now. I personally believe that stupidity should be painful, and if that pain resonates from the long arm of the Law Suplexing a bad guy through a Cop car, then so be it.
I ran across a petition on the magical interwebnet today askign for Pepsi CO to once again make and distribute Crystal Clear Pepsi. How silly is that. I had honestly forgot about the greatest beverage I drank the summer of 1993. It made me laugh, reminisce.....I signed the petition.
I must go part-take in my allowed mid-day meal.
The Colorado Avalanche signed good ole #21 yesterday....we will win the cup! If you don't know who I'm talking about......we will not be close companions.
Happy Birthday Johnny Cash, RIP.

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