Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The No meat, 1 month challenge

That's right. I have been challenged by one of my co-workers (not really sure if I should say her name, because she's not in america legally!) to see if I can go 1 entire month without eating meat. I accepted the challenge, because quite frankly I don't know how to turn one down....it will undoubtedly be my downfall. God forbid someone challenge/dare me to bite the lower lip of a shark or Streak naked into a fiery inferno.....again. Back to the task at hand, Starting on March 1st, 2008 I will not consume any meat (fish is excluded as a clause in the contract) until the calender month is over at 12:00 am April 1st. I'm fairly confident I can do it, though I am very aware of how hard it will be. Hopefully I don't get delusional with Bloodlust and start to visualize everyone as giant walking chicken legs and T-bone steak cuts. I do want to make it perfectly clear I am not doing this for any animal rights movement or left wing activist group ect. I could care less. I am a hunter, I use bacon as a condiment and I don't even check when I buy my Bumblebee Tuna to see if it's "Dolphin safe" because I don't care....and honestly I have a slight suspicion that bottlenose dolphin would be very tasty grilled and buttered. Depending on how this 1st challenge commences might call for more to come, stand by for details on those to unfold and PLEASE as always post a comment on your thoughts or ideas.
Statement: With Jahova as my Winess the next grown adult who refers to the Library as the "libary" Might just get a quick order of a Knuckle sandwiches with a side of Karate chops.

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