Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm alergic to selfish.

I think this blog is very selfish on my behalf. Blogging is basically an electric Diary of sorts, and I (and Millions more) write down thoughts, hopes, ideas, recipes, rhetorical questions and possibly even haiku's in the self-absorbed, egotistical and pointlessly retarded notion that what we have to say is really that important, interesting or even a little relevant! So with that in mind I have a few things to stamp out. Miley Cyrus is a media megamogel/ monster, go see her movie, buy the soundtrack tell me how it is. Go Giants! I'm really pulling for you guys, I overall just want to see a good game. The Mars Volta have a newish album out, this is a band EVERYONE can get into. Seriously their songwriting is progressive, it's almost Red Hot Chili Peppers meets Zeppelin-esque. If your not a fan or soon to be fan of theirs then I don't know what your doing with your life....I really don't.
An interesting development I'll share with you (for my own pleasure obviously). It's no secret that I am willed by forces beyond me to prank my friends, family, co-workers and passerby's. Well this caused an interesting twist in things. Yesterday everyone in my office, except me decided to prank each other very spontaneously. Well in a "peter cried wolf" type reaction to the finding of ones self the victim of a prank everyone decided to blame me! I was the only one who did not partake in such shenanigans! Funny how things unfold huh?
Millermothra out.

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