Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back to Blogging

I'm doing this thing again. Hopefully my absense created some sort of growing interest? No? Didn't think so. Instead of another long rambling blog about whatever the heck flops across my mid-brain I think I'll slowly ease my eay into blogging again or "splenda" my way into it. I can't promise my jokes will be any funnier, that anyone will be spared or that I'm even consciously aware of what I'm typing...... I'm so tired I woke up with a lisp and a hairlip. Let's go.
Maybe I should stretch.

I don't care what anyone says USA handed the world an ass-whipping in the Olympics. How do some of these norwiegan countries lose to us in ice-sports? It's ALWAYS winter time over there. They are born on the ice, then slid down the ice to their families. That's how curling was invented y'all, true story. And screw you especially to Canada for announcing themselves the victors. Canada is like that that weird, yet quiet single-guy neighbor that kept to himself and maintained a nice lawn that we used to bum beers off of......until they won a few gold medals and started running their mouths. You're just on the other side of the fence guys. Keep running your mouth, I will urinate "U S A" (in cursive, you understand) in your driveway until we win that Hockey Gold Medal in Russia four years from now.

I think the first 30 people in line in every theatre in America to see "Alice in Wonderland" should be tested for LSD.

I gave up Red Meat and Soda for Lent. I thought about giving up Chicken Wings, and the thought made me laugh hysterically. Silly brain.

If you haven't watched Dexter.......check it out. It's an incredible show.

Ryan Miller saves more than Jesus.

Read: "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"

The refs at the Bladium suck more than a blonde vacuum cleaner.

I'm probably going to get a two game suspension and a fine for writing that.

If I was a judge on "Dancing with the stars" every critique of mine would go like this "those wern't bad moves, but you realize you are wearing glitter right? I'm gonna have to give you a 2"

This blog is "Going green" adjust yourcomputers color scheme accordingly. I hope you weren't refering to that other "green"......grow up hippie.

I walked by a Toyota in the parking lot this morning. I think I need a re-call.

My entire family, my Girlfriend and a few hundred other randome vacationers are going on a cruise next month. I'm stoked. I can't estimate without an accountant how many times I'll reference the "I'm on a boat" song (check it out if you haven't yet). Word to all potential Pirates, if you attack said cruise I can promise no mercy and I will be stabbing you in the eye with a salad fork.

That's all. Let's do this again sometime. No, No.....I'll call you. Millermothra out.

Monday, August 31, 2009

End of Summer Blog

Hello again my friends to the blog that never show's anything resembling consistency, but also never ends.
Hope all my loyal and un-loyal yet friend/family obligated patrons had a safe, and fun summer. This is my official end-of-summer blog. I personally had a pretty good summer. Wish I would've got a few more camping trips in, maybe travelled some more....but who doesn't?

This past weekend I went to and OLD friend of mine's wedding. It was a small, intimate affair and I really had a good time. Congrats to Joe and his new bride Carrie Johnson. Those two have the cutest little girl ever. Seriously, in about 12-13 years Joe's going to be wishing he'd had a son.

My Sister and her Husband, The Mayoras' welcomed their son into the world since our last blog. Abraham Andrew Mayoras, born August 3rd. Congrats to them, AGAIN. I'm a Godfather y'all!

Please check out the site It's a great site, and currently has a brief, informative article about my cousin Matt Brandt and gives you a brief insight into how strong and just ......... Hardcore Matt is. He's been through more than most, yet he couldn't be a better man. I wear a bracelet with his famous saying "Tryharder" EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE and it serves as a constant reminder to do just that. Check it out PLEASE.

There's a band called A Day To Remember, and I want everyone to go check them out RIGHT NOW. Quit reading this pointless fodder and They're an awesome pop-punk meets hardcore band.....catchy sing alongs, brutal dance-worthy breakdowns. Think Blink 182 meets August Burns Red. This band has a chance to be the first Hardcore band to crossover into the Mainstream.......which of course would make me instantly hate them, and call them sellouts....HA HA HA, but they're a great band...a new sound, I love it. Check em out.

Guess what's time for ANOTHER MONTH LONG CHALLENGE! That's right, it's been awhile, it's time! This challenge is once again a diet-themed challenge.....but not as extreme as going a month without meat (look into older posts if your not familiar with the "No meat 1 month challenge" of legend). This Challenge is simple (sounding) enough: It basically involves me eating nothing but healthy, wholesome foods and drinks for the month of September, along with a rigorous work-out regimen in an effort to lose 10 pounds. So I can be named People Magazine's World Sexiest man, easy enough. 1 month, 10 pounds. No Problems. I know its trendy and benificial to lose weight at the BEGINNING OF SUMMER.....for "Beach Season" or whatever.......but I don't follow trends....unless they involve parachute pants......and I live in the most Land-locked state EVER. There's not a beach within a thousand miles in any direction! Colorado is on Land Lock Down. Wish me well. I'm vain, I want rock hard abs.

So lets have a badass fall kids, don't get too excited about football season.....most sundays will end with us football fans weeping gently in the basement.......lets channel our energy to the Rockies who are in hot pursuit of the playoffs instead. Plus their Hats, t-shirts, apparel and Tickets are much cheaper!

Thrift is the new trend. Spread the word.

Millermothra out.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blah blah blogging away

How it be?
.....Yeah I heard that somewhere, not real sure what it means myself, sorry. I know it's been a long completely restless time for all of my loyal readers (HA HA HA!), But I've been in Chicago....Josh McDaniels traded me for a 47th round pick and a knee brace. Let me get everyone up to date since my last update.

The Nuggets went deeper into the Playoffs than they've been in 20+ years, Birdman (I wrote a blog about him over a year ago, before he was a Nugget) played no-no defense and Melo has become THAT player. Chauncey for Mayor.

I went to San Francisco and I ran the race I wanted to run last year(look @ past blogs). HUGE ups to my boy David (the Miumi Sound Machine) for putting me up, and putting up with me. San Fran is an awesome place, check it out if ya can.

My son grew 6 feet.

The Avalanche fired their whole coaching staff, and a few guys within close proximity just for good measure.

I started playing Hockey again, with a bunch of friends I USED to play with in High about full circle.

Just a quick update, I'll blog again soon.....maybe.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I know this blog often has a certain cynical attitude, and as much as that might respresent me well one thing I really dislike is complacency. So this short list (in no particular unconfusing or focused order) represents a few things I do like.

1. Cranberry Juice

2. Inside jokes
All jokes are a good time, but inside jokes exclude people...and that's always fun.

3. The Onion, the newspaper.
Basically this blog is a direct rip-off of their genuis. Please don't sue me.

4. Lists
pretty self-explanatory. Explain it to your-self.

5. Bacon.

6. Guy Richie films.

7. Hyenas.
Yeah the scary, laughing, spotted dog-monsters from Africa. I dig em.

8. Listerine.

9. Giving people nicknames.
Because calling someone Roger is Ok, calling them "Jellyfish" is definately an upgrade of awesomeness

10. Rebellion.
Not: Dyed your hair green BOUGHT your punk status at Hot Topic, but the likes of Neil Young, James Dean, The Ramones, Rage Against the Machine, Henry Rollins and Johnny Cash. People who rebelled to better their beliefs or to bring attention to an injustice or wrong-doings against his fellow man.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I whole heartedly believe (somewhat) that if I were to write this blog on a more consistent basis it would lose it's mysitique. Or maybe an accusation of complacency is warranted. Meanderings.
Years from now tucked tightly into a maximum security mental health facility in South Eastern Nova Scotia I'll explain (and translate) in a made up language using mostly clicks, high pitched screams and armpit farts that "time is in eye of the beholder". Or something like that. You basically have to do things on your own terms, or those of your attorney.

I don't care who poses nude for their propaganda-filled ads, PETA is essentially a terrorist organization.

The Grammy's are a blatent insult of every-day American's intelligence or their god-given sense of hearing. Basically I don't like people other than myself or an elected official doing that. It almost seems like a episode of some hidden camera show: "Let's see we can give awards away to the worst "musicians" imaginable and see if anyone notices or reacts". And if Coldplay's involved (at any length) than someone's going to get hit with my elbow in the orbital bone. Their (coldplay) like a parody of men that were actually born with genitals. As for hidden camera shows. . . .I don't pick on retards, it is one of my personel rules.

I think what this blog needs is a bitter dispute with a younger, less talented YET sexier blog. Any takers?

I'll write again soon-ish.
(and then I just step back into the shadows and quiet yet erie music plays)

Friday, January 9, 2009


Is this blog deceased/expired....Dead? You wish. To be blunt this blog is too important. One patron described this blog as "Anti-conformist propaganda disguised masterfully in a blog that's some-what jocular and consistently distasteful".
and another said "Danny's blog is quite possibly the most relevant form of literature in the world today".
Are either of the qoutes right?
Were both of those qoutes made by desperate people in a desperate time?
most likely
Were both of those ridiculous qoutes made by me?
My point is this blog will endure the slacks against it, endless gramatical errors and sparatic cases of laziness on the authors behalf to prevail! To insult! FOR FREEDOM!
How you like them apples?
Cut and dipped in caramel and sarcasm of course.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I haven't posted in a LONG time, I'm not happy with myself. Quite frankly I have been reluctant to express myself here publicly in awhile because there hasn't been much postive for me to say lately......and I always have that voice in the back of my head echoing "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all". And while that makes sense, it wouldn't be ME to sit by and not say, chant or scream WTF? At the way things are unfolding. With that in mind....

President-Elect Obama intends to solve our continual crisis in the middle-east with "Diplomacy". That's like taking a knife to a gun fight.....a knife made of words, and instead of guns it's more like nuclear arms race. I wonder how this will unfold? WTF?

Every worthy or talented athlete on the Denver Broncos is either hurt, or playing like they intend to be. Seriously this team has suffered more injuries than the Marine core.

During the whole Halloween season not one decent scary film is released. Other than "Saw 8, return of Saw" of course. Then again I heard there's going to be another "Sex in the City" Movie...and that is fucking terrifying.

A recent and completely legit poll conducted by me, shows 90% of men would rather make out with Mike "Leatherface" Myers + Bloody Chainsaw, than Sarah Jessica Parker sans clothes.

Michael Crichton, author of many notable fictional stories over the last 20 + years including: Jurassic Park and The Lost World, Prey, Timeline, The Andromeda Strain, Congo and many others recently and unexpectedly died of Cancer. RIP and WTF?

I hate you cancer, and I'm coming for you.

If were supposed to separate church and state, then how is it fair that the Democrats have elected The Devil as the Speaker of the House of Representatives? Nancy Pelosi...seriously?

If anyone cares to explain these things to me, please to so in a hasty fashion, before I change my name, grow a beard and take up residence on Zavodovski Island.