Monday, August 31, 2009

End of Summer Blog

Hello again my friends to the blog that never show's anything resembling consistency, but also never ends.
Hope all my loyal and un-loyal yet friend/family obligated patrons had a safe, and fun summer. This is my official end-of-summer blog. I personally had a pretty good summer. Wish I would've got a few more camping trips in, maybe travelled some more....but who doesn't?

This past weekend I went to and OLD friend of mine's wedding. It was a small, intimate affair and I really had a good time. Congrats to Joe and his new bride Carrie Johnson. Those two have the cutest little girl ever. Seriously, in about 12-13 years Joe's going to be wishing he'd had a son.

My Sister and her Husband, The Mayoras' welcomed their son into the world since our last blog. Abraham Andrew Mayoras, born August 3rd. Congrats to them, AGAIN. I'm a Godfather y'all!

Please check out the site It's a great site, and currently has a brief, informative article about my cousin Matt Brandt and gives you a brief insight into how strong and just ......... Hardcore Matt is. He's been through more than most, yet he couldn't be a better man. I wear a bracelet with his famous saying "Tryharder" EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE and it serves as a constant reminder to do just that. Check it out PLEASE.

There's a band called A Day To Remember, and I want everyone to go check them out RIGHT NOW. Quit reading this pointless fodder and They're an awesome pop-punk meets hardcore band.....catchy sing alongs, brutal dance-worthy breakdowns. Think Blink 182 meets August Burns Red. This band has a chance to be the first Hardcore band to crossover into the Mainstream.......which of course would make me instantly hate them, and call them sellouts....HA HA HA, but they're a great band...a new sound, I love it. Check em out.

Guess what's time for ANOTHER MONTH LONG CHALLENGE! That's right, it's been awhile, it's time! This challenge is once again a diet-themed challenge.....but not as extreme as going a month without meat (look into older posts if your not familiar with the "No meat 1 month challenge" of legend). This Challenge is simple (sounding) enough: It basically involves me eating nothing but healthy, wholesome foods and drinks for the month of September, along with a rigorous work-out regimen in an effort to lose 10 pounds. So I can be named People Magazine's World Sexiest man, easy enough. 1 month, 10 pounds. No Problems. I know its trendy and benificial to lose weight at the BEGINNING OF SUMMER.....for "Beach Season" or whatever.......but I don't follow trends....unless they involve parachute pants......and I live in the most Land-locked state EVER. There's not a beach within a thousand miles in any direction! Colorado is on Land Lock Down. Wish me well. I'm vain, I want rock hard abs.

So lets have a badass fall kids, don't get too excited about football season.....most sundays will end with us football fans weeping gently in the basement.......lets channel our energy to the Rockies who are in hot pursuit of the playoffs instead. Plus their Hats, t-shirts, apparel and Tickets are much cheaper!

Thrift is the new trend. Spread the word.

Millermothra out.

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