Friday, January 9, 2009


Is this blog deceased/expired....Dead? You wish. To be blunt this blog is too important. One patron described this blog as "Anti-conformist propaganda disguised masterfully in a blog that's some-what jocular and consistently distasteful".
and another said "Danny's blog is quite possibly the most relevant form of literature in the world today".
Are either of the qoutes right?
Were both of those qoutes made by desperate people in a desperate time?
most likely
Were both of those ridiculous qoutes made by me?
My point is this blog will endure the slacks against it, endless gramatical errors and sparatic cases of laziness on the authors behalf to prevail! To insult! FOR FREEDOM!
How you like them apples?
Cut and dipped in caramel and sarcasm of course.


Anonymous said...

what exactly was this blob about?

Anonymous said...