Friday, May 30, 2008

Coming a $3 discount DVD bin near you.

"Froniter Flight 224 on approach to Denver International Airport breaks up mid-air and violently crashes onto property owned by the United States Military, land that was once used for Nuclear and Chemical weapons testing. A highly toxic and poisonous plot of land closed and guarded from the public known simply as The Arsenal . Immediate details from the crash site are vague and mysterious. While the public believe a terrorist attacked was achieved, the Government is quick to dismiss any such ideas. There's several details that have the Government and it's investigating agencies (FBI, TSA, CIA, FAA) scrambling for the truth......As it appears the Aircraft wasn't shot out of the air, nor was there an seems to have STRUCK something on it's decent....and more even bone-chilling and confusing...WHERE HAVE ALL THE BODIES GONE? All 110 bodies onboard seem to be missing, and what little remains that have been recovered from the crashsite seem to have been.....eaten? Days later a small privately owned jet crashes under the same circumstances. And again, no bodies are to be found. What has the government been hiding? What mutated monstrosity would have the size and power to destroy an airplane? Now rookie FBI detective Seth Sommers and a thought-to-be insane Native-American Shaman and local Carnival Technician, Mongrel must seek out the truth before the death-count continues to rise"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome, funny thing is that some douchebag is going to read your blog and sell this movie idea to some producer in Hollywood. next thing you know you're going to have the biggest B-rate celebs acting your movie...