Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer starter.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! This is NOT A TEST!"
Hey guys, it's June which means (at least to me) it's offically summer. So lets kick this thing into over-drive! Get outside! Here's my summer list, and in deep Danny Miller tradition it's chaotic with a touch of total randomness.
1. White people: Use sunscreen.
2. Nasty summer foot injury streak now at 6 years and counting.
3. Parker is scared of the Ice Cream man.......seriously. That guy is a creepophile though.
4. Milk is a bad choice of beverage when it's hot, and you need a cool refreshment.
5. Flat tires slow the garden-wagon-bobsled-project significantly.
6. Any disagreement with a 3 year old, will be settled via waterfight.
7. I like lists.
8. I don't know what an "arroyo" is, but apparently it's loud when full of water.
7. Seven comes before eight.
9. Things said might include: "that's the most ferocious little dog I've ever seen!" or "90 degrees?!? Screw that! I'm moving to Anchorage".
10. Sledgehammers rock.
11. I sweat, a lot. I think it's genetic.
12. The truth is actually contrary to what Dane Cook says.......... regarding shoes anyways.
13. Movie quotes are in abundance.
14. If drinking is cool, consider me Al Gore. Or anyone else historically-methodically, "uncool".
15. Wickity-wickity-wickity Wack.
thats all I got, for now. Make this an awesome, fun, ACTIVE, safe summer people! Your couch is the enemy.
Also big shot out to an old, dear friend of mine William Brawn, and his soon-to-be wife Peggy. ( haven't meet you yet, but you sound lovely) Congratulations on the engagement! Much love to those two kids!

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