Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lost and Found

Lost and found (LAF) : Lost and found this is Shaneya, how can I help you?
Danny (ME) : Um....hello Shaneya....wow what a beautiful name!
LAF: .....what ya need sir?
ME: I was hoping I left something there, and was wondering if.....if I could come get it?
LAF: What did you lose?
ME: What do you have?
LAF: Excuse me?
ME: I'm just looking......
LAF: Sir, I can NOT just tell you what we have!
ME: Do you have anything..........weird?
LAF: What EXACLTY are you looking for Sir?
ME: Well........my mind.
LAF: Sir?
ME: I've lost my mind, I need to find it
LAF: (Click)
ME: Hello?

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