Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Consolidated thoughts

Ahoy! How goes my amigos? Good I hope. Spring is here (almost) which is good, because Parka's make me look fat. The weather is warmer, birds are chirping, everything is in bloom...which means my allergies have me in agony! Seriously , you know that scene in Indian Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark where those silly Nazi's open the Ark and are instantly Melted......That's how my face feels. I have a few ideas/thoughts/rants I would like to go public with. If I offend anyone, then your a pussy.
I can't stand Seattle or it's inhabitants. Nothing but a whole city full of wannabe tough-guy metrosexuals. Your sports teams are horrible, Your attitude is moody, Your greatest accomplishment or gift to America is Starbucks. Overly Caucasian Smug hippie losers. Your relevancy died with Kurt Cobain.
"Mean Girls" is an awesome movie. Yes I know its a teen girls movie starring none other than Lindsey "What drugs?" Lohan, but I like it. Its well written, by none other than Tina Fey. Its a quick, witty, and hysterical jab at todays youth. If someone has beef with that, then meet my under the flagpole and we'll settle this like gentlemen.
Booze = Giggle Water.
The NHL playoffs are unbelievable. They still surprise me after over 10 years of loyal watching! It's like regular hockey on speed. Every player skates their hardest, every hit is thunderous, every goal is a miracle. Tune in. OR, you can watch Dancing With the Stars, while doing your boyfriends laundry.
What would Silicon Valley High School's Mascot be?
Advertising = Propaganda. No explanation needed.
I saw a chewing gum commercial last night that made the special effects in Transformers look photoshoped.
Read and Repeat: Pharmacuetical companies are the enemy. The publicly abused politicians are simply their Pawns.
I'm only telling those who are too ignorant to have already figured it out. Believe what you want. Those of you with prescriptions might have a harder time believing me. Imagine that.
At least your thinking about it now.

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