Monday, April 7, 2008

Be Brief (it's a pun)

I had a dream I was a shark, but I was afraid to attack humans, the other sharks ridiculed me greatly. I was an outcast in the shark community. So I grew out my hair and started a rebellious punk rock Shark-band. We killed.............................get it?
If your a male, or a female or even a "somewhere in between", and you haven't figured out that Boxer Briefs are twice if not six-times more comfortable than regular boxers OR plain old briefs than your a square.
I was thinking of starting a club/group. A meeting of the minds if you will. Somewhere between the Super-Friends and the Buena Vista Social Club. But without either geriatrics or spandex.......ok ok geriatrics welcome, but only because they always have the most bad-ass stories. I'm standing firm on the NO Spandex protocol though.
Since the economy is sliding downhill quicker than Roseanne wrapped in cellophane I think I'm going to sell oil, by the ounce, in small plastic baggies, from out of my trenchcoat, under the bridge at 225 and Colfax. Keep it on the down low.

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