Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Un-carnivorous behavior.

Day 5 on the alien planet. So far so good 5 days into my infamous and ridiculous 1 month no meat challenge. It's honestly been a lot easier than I originally thought, but I've still got a long road ahead. I can imagine I'll be "Jones-ing" for some hot wings like no ones business in a few weeks though. Speaking of wings (I'm working on my segways, get off my back!) I got some new ink, count them 1 + 1 carry the 3, round up = 2.......I got 2 new tattoos this past weekend. I got a black bird-like wing on the outside of both of my calves. I think their awesome, inivative, original, artistic, family hates them. Tattoo's can be a great way to express ones self (if your into that sort of thing), and set yourself apart from everyone else. Also in the case of a tribal armband a very easy way to distinguish and avoid a "roid ragin" 30 something, has-been frat boy jock while playing hoops at the gym. Also (don't tell anyone) but getting wings tattooed on your legs is guaranteed to make you run faster and jump higher than before.....kinda like Pia Flyers (that's right I rep'd THE SANDLOT). Speaking of jumping higher (segway 2) the NBA has reinstated Chris "Birdman" Andersen. For those of you who don't appreciate high flying, hard dunking, shot blocking old School basketball......I don't know why your reading,awkward......well anyways, The Birdman (pictured above right) is just that. And that Cat is as white (caucasian) as Will Farrell's un-tanned ass. Mr. Andersen got himself excused from the NBA in 2006 for failing a random drug test. According to his manager and NBA officials, he's has since passed a year of drug and alcohol tests cleanly and shown upstanding behavior. So welcome back BIRD! Hopefully he's turned a corner and he can continue his career. Man I wish he was still a Nugget!

Alright citizens that's all I will subjugate you to today. I do want to throw a shoutout (not real sure what it means, Heard in on MTV) to my Mom and DB. For 2 reasons: A) Because they are quite possibly the ONLY 2 people who read this ranting mess, and B) Because they can in fact READ. Which nowadays is quite a feat!

No disrespect to anyone else who surfing the net, stumbles upon this blog and skims it looking for something useful or naked pictures of Kermit the Frog, but I gotta show my fan(s) some loyalty. If you do read this and want some blog-love, drop me a comment in the(cue the voice of doom) COMMENT SECTION.

I do have a few other things brewing, I'll post that stuff later this week hopefully.

My thought of the week: Those who say you can't learn anything from video games, has CLEARLY never tried to cross a busy highway without prior experience playing FROGGER.


BW said...

Pia Flyers??? You can sure tell a wet behind the ears whipper snapper..can one say PF Flyers? You dad will get you on this one. And a note on the meatless quest, take it from the Hamburgler and his henchmen, we are going to make it tough on you. There is a reason we are carnivores at the top of the food chain. You need to follow your DNA and have a steak!

Anonymous said...

man, I hope you get compensated for the whole meatless for a month thing. Better watch out when you shove that first burger down after the month is over, your body may not want it anymore! DM

db said...

yea i'm predicting it here first that when time comes to end this machizmo effort you won't even want to. you'll be giving speeches such as "ya know we really do need to eat better" and "there's life outside of meat"