Friday, March 21, 2008

March Madness

Hello all, a quick few updates today. Hope everyone is well, I know a few of you have had some tough spots lately and I hope everything turns around for you. I've had a long lonely week myself (starting to feel like Robert Neville) but things will turn around......Hopefully! Things can get a little crazy this time of year. Keep your heads up.
Anyway I got a heads up from a good friend of mine from NOR-CAL, David Miumi (The Miumi Sound Machine) about an awesome race that happens in San Francisco at the end of May. It's a little longer than the last one I ran, so I'm gonna have to train a bit, but it looks like a wild good time! So hopefully I can make a weekend out of it, and head to San Fran. Check it out:
I was watching the news a few days ago and they had a segment about there being hormones and drugs found all across America in the drinking water. Now the government claims these drugs (including sexual hormones) happened into the water source by way of people flushing their drugs/pills down the toliet. Now I have two ideas/questions on this Official statement. First off: Bullshit! If you really believe this then you've obviously comsumed too much tap water and the drugs ARE working effectively. And Secondly: Why the Hell does what we flush down the toliet end up in our drinking water source??????
Make up your own mind people! Wake up. Think for yourself.
Thought for the day: Those who say "violence never solved anything", have clearly never had to uppercut a vending machine to retrieve their breakfast.
Everyone have a good weekend. I know a few of y'all have spring break rolling around next week so eat that up, and have a good time, be careful. Take care thanks for reading, remember to floss.
Millermothra out.

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