Friday, January 25, 2008

Expletives are fun

Does anyone remember Sleap? Or Schlep? Sleep I think. Not real sure. Apparently it's the NEW healthy thing to do. I've been told I should Acquire some. All joking aside another unread blog which means....neglect, but more importantly it's finally Friday! I am very tired it's been a long bastard of a week, so todays blog is (unofficically) brought to you thanks to Full Throttle Energy drinks, Strawberry flavored Special K Bar's (only 90 calories) and the sweet sound of Christian Choas/noisecore act Norma Jean. I read on msn this morning there are new images of Mars, in which their looks to be a man in several of the photos! My bets are it's Pauly Shore, I was wondering where he'd wondered off to?
On a different more serious note (irony!) I have been planning or comtemplating rather, doing some stand up comedy. I used to do it in High School and college as part of open mic nights in the performing arts department, in a makeshift improve group and Odyssey of the Mind performances and I have honeslty always wanted to get back into it. About a year ago a few friends of mine (yes, I have a few.....I pay them cash) told me that I should try again, so I started writing. Well over the last year I've wrote/engineered/cross bred some jokes. They are designed for laughter. Some decent, some crappy and some are reserved for late night performances at half empty VFW halls. But I think I'm going to do it and I am basically gonna use this blog to test the waters. Get a little constructive criticism, maybe a heads up on an oppurtunity. So PLEASE leave a comment and/or pass the blog on to friends or family or even foes that might have insight and or ideas. I would really appreciate it, and in the event that my fetal-stage-as-of-now Comedy goes really well your application would be immediately reviewed as a potential member of my posse/entourage.
Everyone have a good weekend. No drinking and driving people! I read this morning that DUI arrests are up slightly.
I guarantee you when my mom read the title to todays post she was like "oh god", that was definately as fun a visual for me than typing 4 letter words, for now!
Question: Are mustaches back?
If so, I'm giving all the credit to my Dad, he's been sporting a wicked 'stache for 40 years.
(according to him, he started shaving when he was 10)
That's all (and enough) for now. Cheers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Expletives are fun....your turn is coming! You just wait! Adrian will use many expletives in school if you continue to cuss like you do!
He will be worse than little Johnny!