Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK & Manda

Today is Martin Luther King Jr day! Everyone rejoice and give thanks for a great man and what he devoted his life to. Also today is my sister Amanda's Birthday! Happy 20th little sister. So everyone (or anyone) who reads this, make sure you drop her a email, text, or letter via pony express or give her a call later.
Saw Cloverfield on Friday night. It was very good. Best movie I've seen in a LONG time. I suggest you go see this one, it one you'll wish you would've seen @ the theatre if you don't, I promise.
Go Giants PLEASE beat the evil dynasty that is the New England Patriots and the whole Boston area. Eli Manning has the chance to play the young hero in this movie, make it happen man! Maybe Matt Damon will play you in the movie?....Wait he's a Southie kid huh? Edward Norton?.....Nevermind. That's all I got for now, get you asses back to work! The Economy sucks, for those of you who don't watch The Daily Show.

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