Monday, March 10, 2008

Paying my Rant

I have a few quick thoughts, or tidbits to share with you.
1. This whole Brett Favre ("fav-ra") lovefest has got to stop. Yes the guy was a good quarterback, NOT great and yes he does hold a few prestigous passing records. BUT he also holds records for some not so great records: Most pass attempts and most interceptions namely. And honeslty the passing records he does hold will be obliterated in a about 2 years time by a FAR better QB in Peyton Manning (Manning's commecials are also way more talented than Favre's). Farve's records are basically a bi-product of playing for 47 years (in Brett Favre's rookie card he's wearing a leather helmet) and throwing the ball EVERY DOWN. He had two good years in 96-98 and two more in 06-08 that for the most part bookended 10 years of mediocre play at best. It's also peculiar to me how everyone has simply forgot about the Golden-boy Brett Favre's drug AND alcohol problems. What can I say....He's no John Elway.
2. I am more than ready for spring. It hasn't been that nasty of a Winter, but I'm ready to not have to warm up my car every morning and night. I do enjoy watching all the transplant californians sliding around on the ice in their silly little honda civics though.
3. The Denver Nuggets. I don't even know where to start? 1 word = underachieving. How do we keep losing games to the Bucks? The Timberwolves? Can you imagine if the Globetrotters lost 4 out of 10 games to the Generals? I think it's time for Coach George Karl to start reading the classifieds.
4. I can't portray in words how completely sick I am of seeing fake, neon colored testicles hanging from the back of trucks. Are you that unsure of yourself? Seriously? Do you get one of those free with a tribal armband tattoo? Or purchase of 24 pack of Budweiser? It looks like a fishing lure. Are you trolling for a boyfriend? Grow up you sick bastards. Get a fucking shrink!
5. Someone, anyone go buy a (few) record by a band called The Dillinger Escape Plan. They(seen above, not sucking) are the most inovative, fresh sounding Bad Ass group of musicians to make music in the last ten years. But they're not a pop band (thank you jesus!) so no one buys their music and their not getting the respect they deserve. They will blow your mind. I call it Adult contemporary electro-industrial-Jazz Thrash......Core. Think new age Black Flag on Steroids. It's raw, progressive and rad. This is the band that makes the emo kids piss their sisters jeans. Check out their songs: "Milk Lizard" or "Black Bubblegum" thank me later.
That's all I'm gonna rant about is Monday.
Millermothra out.


Anonymous said...

the hanging balls from the truck thing...I couldn't have said it any better. I thik you get one free when you buy a "Tapout" t-shirt

Anonymous said...

You are just sick of the neon testicles hanging from the back of trucks because every time you see one your ADHD takes over and you become enamored with them if for only a short period of time. Thus you have accidents like your bike accident because you were too busy checking out giant glowing balls. Dude, start taking your ritalin again and it will all be better. Also, since when does this site not condone ninja's hovering over motorcycles???? We both know that this is a practice you have participated in for centuires as a neon ball staring at ninja warrior! Joe...