Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dust yourself off.

A year ago today I decided to ride my Mountain bike down a hill at top speed. A year ago and 40 seconds later I was laying at the bottom of that hill in a ravine, about 15 feet from my bike, and not feeling splendid. I had flown down a steep hill, gone into a bad skid, been thrown from my bike headfirst, and had tackled a huge rocky chunk of Colorado with my head and shoulder. I instantly stood up to see if their were any hysterical witnesses or possibly a camera crew had happened to be strolling by, but there was no one. I started to clean the grass out of my helmet......Since I brought that up I gotta stop right now and thank Buell Helmets for quite possibly saving my life....anyways while I was dusting my self off I suddenly came to the conclusion that my right shoulder and arm was kind of.....dangling! I suddently reached under my ripped shirt and found my right Colarbone (clavicle) trying it's hardest to escape my flesh! I knew I needed to get my ass out this ravine ASAP, so I instinctively reached with my (broken) right arm into pocket to find my phone. It is safe to say this was a mistake. At this moment I felt like an underfed pit bull was knawing on my shoulder. I somehow managed to get my phone and call my awesome Dad to pick me up and take me to the Emergency Room. (unfortunately it wasn't the first time he and I have made such a trip). We (Ana who had come to relieve my Dad and I) then sat in the emergency room for the next four hours until a Doctor decided to inform me that my horrendous and obviously broken clavicle was, In Fact broken, and that there was nothing he could do, but refer me to a surgeon. The nurse informed me that fractured clavicles are fairly common and that it rarely, if ever requires surgery to correct. Well, early the next morning (Another huge THANK YOU to Ana, for driving me around, helping me get dressed and bath, listening to me complain ect ect ect) my surgeon Dr. Weinerman quickly and in a way that HE (just him) found quite amusing informed me that

A) I would in fact need surgery and several months of accompaning physical therapy to fix my shoulder AND

B) my fracture was THE single worst broken clavicle he had personally witnessed in 32 years, and quite possibly the worst broken clavicle since.......god had invented the clavicle.

Needless to say, I went under the knife, did my time in therapy (thanks to the Staff, especially Marley) and here I am 1 year later pretty much back to normal.

To kind of celebrate getting over that bump in the road my Mom and I decided to run a 7k (4.9 miles) race this weekend(I know I've mentioned my Mom a lot lately, I swear I'm not a Serial Killer). I did ok for a first timer and it was a blast. Definately something I suggest to everyone. I ran the distance in just over 40 minutes (40.01 officially). I'm looking at similiar distance races to run in the future if anyone has one they know of, please drop the info to me in the COMMENT SECTION. I guess the moral of todays post is to pick yourself up and get back at it!
Thanks for reading, I know it wasn't my most comedic or entertaining post. I do have some cool updates I will be posting shortly so check back soon. THANKS AGAIN to everyone (friends, family, medical staff, co-workers and anyone else I missed) who helped me through this YOU GUYS ROCK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bay to Breakers in SF!