Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just to clear it up

Jesuit is in fact the deadly martial arts of Jesus.
Jesuit = Jesus karate.
I'm out.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sic Riffs

Yeah....basically a list of 5 riffs that are that are crushing, but are never mentioned, or under-arated. If you haven't heard these songs...check em out.....if you disagree or have a song you want to nominate leave me a comment. In no particular order:
1. Paint it Black - Rolling Stones
2. Zero - Smashing Pumpkins
3. Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult
4. Honey Bee - Tom Petty
5. Born of a Broken Man - Rage Against the Machine

Friday, January 25, 2008

Expletives are fun

Does anyone remember Sleap? Or Schlep? Sleep I think. Not real sure. Apparently it's the NEW healthy thing to do. I've been told I should Acquire some. All joking aside another unread blog which means....neglect, but more importantly it's finally Friday! I am very tired it's been a long bastard of a week, so todays blog is (unofficically) brought to you thanks to Full Throttle Energy drinks, Strawberry flavored Special K Bar's (only 90 calories) and the sweet sound of Christian Choas/noisecore act Norma Jean. I read on msn this morning there are new images of Mars, in which their looks to be a man in several of the photos! My bets are it's Pauly Shore, I was wondering where he'd wondered off to?
On a different more serious note (irony!) I have been planning or comtemplating rather, doing some stand up comedy. I used to do it in High School and college as part of open mic nights in the performing arts department, in a makeshift improve group and Odyssey of the Mind performances and I have honeslty always wanted to get back into it. About a year ago a few friends of mine (yes, I have a few.....I pay them cash) told me that I should try again, so I started writing. Well over the last year I've wrote/engineered/cross bred some jokes. They are designed for laughter. Some decent, some crappy and some are reserved for late night performances at half empty VFW halls. But I think I'm going to do it and I am basically gonna use this blog to test the waters. Get a little constructive criticism, maybe a heads up on an oppurtunity. So PLEASE leave a comment and/or pass the blog on to friends or family or even foes that might have insight and or ideas. I would really appreciate it, and in the event that my fetal-stage-as-of-now Comedy goes really well your application would be immediately reviewed as a potential member of my posse/entourage.
Everyone have a good weekend. No drinking and driving people! I read this morning that DUI arrests are up slightly.
I guarantee you when my mom read the title to todays post she was like "oh god", that was definately as fun a visual for me than typing 4 letter words, for now!
Question: Are mustaches back?
If so, I'm giving all the credit to my Dad, he's been sporting a wicked 'stache for 40 years.
(according to him, he started shaving when he was 10)
That's all (and enough) for now. Cheers.

Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK & Manda

Today is Martin Luther King Jr day! Everyone rejoice and give thanks for a great man and what he devoted his life to. Also today is my sister Amanda's Birthday! Happy 20th little sister. So everyone (or anyone) who reads this, make sure you drop her a email, text, or letter via pony express or give her a call later.
Saw Cloverfield on Friday night. It was very good. Best movie I've seen in a LONG time. I suggest you go see this one, it one you'll wish you would've seen @ the theatre if you don't, I promise.
Go Giants PLEASE beat the evil dynasty that is the New England Patriots and the whole Boston area. Eli Manning has the chance to play the young hero in this movie, make it happen man! Maybe Matt Damon will play you in the movie?....Wait he's a Southie kid huh? Edward Norton?.....Nevermind. That's all I got for now, get you asses back to work! The Economy sucks, for those of you who don't watch The Daily Show.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Real quick-like.

Just a few quick thoughts today. TGIF to everyone. Well not atheists celebrate TGIF? Anyways, Today is definately Friday and though I'm not myself (feeling a little under the weather) I had yet to prank someone in 08 was worried about getting behind in my work, so here's what I did. On my boss' desk there's a fairly large bottle of ibuprofen kept for anyone or everyone suffering from the extreme physical or emotional pain of grueling office work. I decided to spring a doosy. What I did was traveled to the local Wal-green's and purshased a large bag of skittles. I then simply emptied to remaining pain meds into a zip seal bag and filled the empty pill bottle with skittles. It worked well needless to say the result was rediculous and delicious! And valuable data was retrieved from said prank/experiment: It is a fact that ibuprofen is an effective pain reducer and can help in cases of headaches, pulled muscles or minor cephalic lacerations. Skittles can in fact cure deuteranopia, also known as color blindness.
Question's for the day: Are roly poly's in fact miniature armadillos?
Everyone have a good weekend. Al Gore is an arsehole. So, I suggest you bust out the leg warmers or Liger fur coats (sorry PETA) and stay warm.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sesquipedalian....dude what?

First off, I don't see the difference in the multitude of text choices allowed. Does one make me seem more vibrant, intelligent, blog saavy then another? Also if I use different size fonts, does it make me seem like I'm having an electronic emotional episode? an EEE or 3E if you will. I'm coining that term right now! I'll have to wikipedia that shit later. Anyways. Got the latest Deftones album (don't worry it comes on a CD) "saturday Night Wrist" its slightly more subdued and melodic than previous offerings. But I definately like it. I'm looking forward to seeing Cloverfield some time this weekend. It looks uber rad. And as far along as some backward ass left wing socialist like to think our society as come......we all still can't wait to see any movie showcasing a giant monster smacking around NYC like some drunken texas stepfather. Thinking about getting a American Gladiators office pool going? Any takers?
oh an the "S" word. Look it up! It's unfortunately not a giant reptilian monster looking to gnaw on skyscrapers.