Friday, September 26, 2008

When the going get tough.....

Hey guys! How's everyone been? Sorry I haven't been more consistent with my posts, but I been kinda wondering (not 100% sure I care) how this blog was viewed?
Enjoyment? Concern? Enrage? Mass Confusion?
Maybe a little constructive criticism (Don't take a turn towards Negative-Town) would do this blog some good huh? Or maybe I'll read your feedback and decide your all missing the point and refuse to change. Most likely I'll get one comment (in the Comment Section of course) from someone telling me how much I suck.

It's been a dirty bastard of a month so far. I know everyone from family to friends to co-workers have been dealing with some crappy situations. The highlights include:
Money problems
A very ill Grandmother
The Death of a neighbor/family friend
A stroke
A Shoulder Operation
An Ankle Operation
A Car Crash
And a Kidney infection, Just to name a FEW
But the important thing is that just like every other hurdle sent our way, we knock it down/jump over it....then stomp the bejesus out of it and move on. But remember those who: Helped you up, lent you money, took you to the doctor, took care of you or said a prayer for you and your's.....If we don't take those close to us, no one will.

That being said, I hope everyone has a great, SAFE weekend. No more Drama people!
Adrian's 4th Birthday is Sunday. Happy Birthday Son!
Go Broncos!

I'm planning on posting more frequently starting next enjoy your peace now!
Millermothra out.


William Brawn said...

danny. Love the blog. I have it on my google reader so I know when the updates come. Keep them coming. You got my support.


Anonymous said...

i happen to like Negative Town very much. They have an excellent shopping district.

Anonymous said...

Keep 'em coming, this blog always gives me a good laugh...

Dave ('s not here)