Friday, July 11, 2008


Been a long week. No time to be cute. let's do this:

Patience is a Virtue. Silicon is NOT

Jesse Jackson said WHAT about Barack? Seriously? Obama Drama has begun.

I saw a Prairie dog eating the road-killed remains of another on South-bound Pena Blvd yesterday, it deeply disturbed me..............which is saying something.

I accidently watched 11 minutes of television the other night, America is apparently fairly talentless.

1 word: Vampirates. Yeah, imagine the possibilities.


Happy Birthday to....well EVERYONE I guess.

234 bites later. FUCK mesquitos.

I am willing to trade my co-worker with 30 + years of Airline experiece and an I.Q. hovering around 21 for a laser pointer..............I will also accept a paper weight.

Slip N' Slide is the new Rock N' Roll.

Since my car has worked fairly well the last week, Amanda's decided to break down. Twice. On the same day. Seriously.

According to an Underground source (Big Mo) today is FREE slurpy day at 7-11. Seriously. Go now, quietly.

Despite what you might have been told Journey DOES NOT melt faces.

I love how people call me a "smart-ass" I've never heard that before!

The sand dunes are hardcore. Sweetness is not intimated, she's a freakin terminator.

Henry Rollins. Conviction. Legitimately. I'm serious.

I might be feeling ill soon.

"Why so serious?"

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