Friday, May 30, 2008

Coming a $3 discount DVD bin near you.

"Froniter Flight 224 on approach to Denver International Airport breaks up mid-air and violently crashes onto property owned by the United States Military, land that was once used for Nuclear and Chemical weapons testing. A highly toxic and poisonous plot of land closed and guarded from the public known simply as The Arsenal . Immediate details from the crash site are vague and mysterious. While the public believe a terrorist attacked was achieved, the Government is quick to dismiss any such ideas. There's several details that have the Government and it's investigating agencies (FBI, TSA, CIA, FAA) scrambling for the truth......As it appears the Aircraft wasn't shot out of the air, nor was there an seems to have STRUCK something on it's decent....and more even bone-chilling and confusing...WHERE HAVE ALL THE BODIES GONE? All 110 bodies onboard seem to be missing, and what little remains that have been recovered from the crashsite seem to have been.....eaten? Days later a small privately owned jet crashes under the same circumstances. And again, no bodies are to be found. What has the government been hiding? What mutated monstrosity would have the size and power to destroy an airplane? Now rookie FBI detective Seth Sommers and a thought-to-be insane Native-American Shaman and local Carnival Technician, Mongrel must seek out the truth before the death-count continues to rise"


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Here's what I need to hypothesize/state/clarify/substantiate. There's a valid chance this will all make more (or less...?) sense if read quickly, while spinning around in your office chair:

Cats are Satans furry henchmen. Pure evil. Just because your name is "Buckets" doesn't mean your not the minion of the Underlord himself. Espionage via feline, you think your a clever chap don't you Lucifer?

I got two haircuts in 4 days. The first one was from Dean, a nice, yet chatty fellow working at Fantastic Sams. Several days later that style was dead, so my sister Amanda (she also likes boys) finished the deed in the backyard. She also talked a lot.

Christmas is coming. Procrastination is an epidemic.

The Movement has begun, I can't speak upon it here. If your a male (we'll take your word for it, we're not the type to "check") and would like to join, contact your local representative.(DB or myself)

Ever notice how Natural disasters only happen in areas with a high population? Population control at it's cheapest. Think I'm joking? Notice the lack of assistance the local government/regime has shown at saving it's own people? Their trying HARDER to keep anyone else from saving their countrymens/womens lives. They refuse our manpower, yet accept our monetary donations???? The olympics are going to be very interesting.

Chivalry is dead. Blame text messaging. LOLing repeatedly doesn't seem charming, just creepy. I don't understand the "code" either? This is my way of apologizing.

Leah Donelson is getting married. Calm down. It's not til next year.

If you move the office Ficus and inch closer to a co-workers desk everyday, he will fall off the wagon.

Why do tents now come with different rooms? If you can't sleep in the same tent-room while camping..even if it's the only way to survice hypothermia then your relationship can't be saved by anything! Especially Scientology.

The "tech support" employee in India annunciates his english better than I do, but he speaks faster than an asthmatic chimunk.

There's a Starbuck on East Colfax, between a liquor store and the corner where the dealers sell their "merchandise"....coincidence?

These are actually the least ridiculous ideas I've had today.


Friday, May 9, 2008

For your Mama

Sunday is Mothers Day. Make sure you spend it with your Mom. Or go get a tattoo for her.
I love you Ma!