Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I know this blog often has a certain cynical attitude, and as much as that might respresent me well one thing I really dislike is complacency. So this short list (in no particular unconfusing or focused order) represents a few things I do like.

1. Cranberry Juice

2. Inside jokes
All jokes are a good time, but inside jokes exclude people...and that's always fun.

3. The Onion, the newspaper.
Basically this blog is a direct rip-off of their genuis. Please don't sue me.

4. Lists
pretty self-explanatory. Explain it to your-self.

5. Bacon.

6. Guy Richie films.

7. Hyenas.
Yeah the scary, laughing, spotted dog-monsters from Africa. I dig em.

8. Listerine.

9. Giving people nicknames.
Because calling someone Roger is Ok, calling them "Jellyfish" is definately an upgrade of awesomeness

10. Rebellion.
Not: Dyed your hair green BOUGHT your punk status at Hot Topic, but the likes of Neil Young, James Dean, The Ramones, Rage Against the Machine, Henry Rollins and Johnny Cash. People who rebelled to better their beliefs or to bring attention to an injustice or wrong-doings against his fellow man.