Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I whole heartedly believe (somewhat) that if I were to write this blog on a more consistent basis it would lose it's mysitique. Or maybe an accusation of complacency is warranted. Meanderings.
Years from now tucked tightly into a maximum security mental health facility in South Eastern Nova Scotia I'll explain (and translate) in a made up language using mostly clicks, high pitched screams and armpit farts that "time is in eye of the beholder". Or something like that. You basically have to do things on your own terms, or those of your attorney.

I don't care who poses nude for their propaganda-filled ads, PETA is essentially a terrorist organization.

The Grammy's are a blatent insult of every-day American's intelligence or their god-given sense of hearing. Basically I don't like people other than myself or an elected official doing that. It almost seems like a episode of some hidden camera show: "Let's see we can give awards away to the worst "musicians" imaginable and see if anyone notices or reacts". And if Coldplay's involved (at any length) than someone's going to get hit with my elbow in the orbital bone. Their (coldplay) like a parody of men that were actually born with genitals. As for hidden camera shows. . . .I don't pick on retards, it is one of my personel rules.

I think what this blog needs is a bitter dispute with a younger, less talented YET sexier blog. Any takers?

I'll write again soon-ish.
(and then I just step back into the shadows and quiet yet erie music plays)