Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I haven't posted in a LONG time, I'm not happy with myself. Quite frankly I have been reluctant to express myself here publicly in awhile because there hasn't been much postive for me to say lately......and I always have that voice in the back of my head echoing "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all". And while that makes sense, it wouldn't be ME to sit by and not say, chant or scream WTF? At the way things are unfolding. With that in mind....

President-Elect Obama intends to solve our continual crisis in the middle-east with "Diplomacy". That's like taking a knife to a gun fight.....a knife made of words, and instead of guns it's more like nuclear arms race. I wonder how this will unfold? WTF?

Every worthy or talented athlete on the Denver Broncos is either hurt, or playing like they intend to be. Seriously this team has suffered more injuries than the Marine core.

During the whole Halloween season not one decent scary film is released. Other than "Saw 8, return of Saw" of course. Then again I heard there's going to be another "Sex in the City" Movie...and that is fucking terrifying.

A recent and completely legit poll conducted by me, shows 90% of men would rather make out with Mike "Leatherface" Myers + Bloody Chainsaw, than Sarah Jessica Parker sans clothes.

Michael Crichton, author of many notable fictional stories over the last 20 + years including: Jurassic Park and The Lost World, Prey, Timeline, The Andromeda Strain, Congo and many others recently and unexpectedly died of Cancer. RIP and WTF?

I hate you cancer, and I'm coming for you.

If were supposed to separate church and state, then how is it fair that the Democrats have elected The Devil as the Speaker of the House of Representatives? Nancy Pelosi...seriously?

If anyone cares to explain these things to me, please to so in a hasty fashion, before I change my name, grow a beard and take up residence on Zavodovski Island.