Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm back.

Hello! How's things with my peeps? I'm sorry about the long wait between posts, but I was taking some time to myself. No seriously!..... Really........ Alright you really want to know what I been up to? I spent a few weeks in the Betty Ford Clinic. There you have it! I had some demons I needed to get taken care of, and I did so. My life was heading in the wrong direction, I had a $5 a dollar addiction to Caffeine. So my agent "booked me a room" , I did my time...and here I am.
All joking aside I just been a busy little broseph.

The Democratic National Convention will be in my hometown of Denver next week. It's going to be a NIGHTMARE. The Hotels are all booked up, Several Major roadways and Highways will be closed, schools will be suspended for the week.......The Clintons will be in town ect. Basically everything the Democrats have already "Promised" to fix will be completely Clusterfucked for the next week or so! Thanks again guys. I am thus forced to go on vacation. I will likely be attending the State Fair, watching the Moster Truck rally, rocking out at the Rage Against the Machine FREE show in Denver, and going camping. All Democrats are welcome....HA HA HA!

My Ma needs to have her shoulder fixed. They have the technology they can rebuild her.

If all those chinese gymnasts are 16 years old then my name is Long Duk Dong.

Next week Slipknot release their fourth Album "All Hope is Gone". Go get it Tuesday on your lunch break. If your face isn't melted off from the guitar fury or 7 of your vertebrae aren't dislocated from excessive headbanging by the time you get through the first 3 need to check your pulse...and I will give you your money back.
Offer void in the lower 48 states.

I hope everyone is doing great-ish. Football season is JUST around the bend so how bad can things be? ..............Anyways:
Phelps is God.
Fuck the french.
Hot Cheetos are great.
Adrian is Brilliant.
Today is Friday.
Cell phones suck.
China and every other backward ass sanctimonious communist country can kiss my Smashmouth, home-grown American ASS!
How you like them apples????
I'm back.